AI Can Code Apps From Plain English Here’s How !

Elon musk one of the most fascinating billionaire holds a company called Open AI with Sam Altman and others

Yash Mittal
2 min readApr 28, 2021

Open AI is the company that’s getting other companies to level up. Just Like apple did with the I phone it forced other companies to make touch screen phones. But what did Open AI do to bring this revolution ?

they(Open AI) built a language model. Now if we Do not get into the technicalities and talk simply in layman terms, It can basically process and understand text. Now that seems basic ,like you can understand text everyone does ! But wait there’s a catch. It has been trained on 560gb of text !

560 doesn’t sounds like a crazy number but to remind you text doesn’t occupy a lot of space its measured in kb’s ever so rarely even in MB’s but in GB’s that’s some big amount of database this AI has access to !

But still even after having so much data what are its capabilities and why it the most powerful humanity has ever seen.

so lets look at the statistics a bit.

without having an understanding of what parameters are and what do they do

if we just see that Microsoft’s Turing-LNG had 17 billion parameters and it was the biggest language model ever built

according to analytics India Magazine GPT-3 had 170 billion parameters

we all can agree that there is a massive gap between 17 and 170 cost Open AI 4.7 million dollars to train GPT-3

so we know that it trained on 560 GB of data , its the biggest model to ever exist and it was very expensive.

But at the end what can it do ?

Some examples are it can write code itself just giving it a plain English input. because remember it trained on text code is text too.

it can write creative essays and poems

it can talk to humans just like another humans would do.

But its not as smart as humans yet as it lacks one thing !


it lacks common sense if you ask GPT-3 how many eyes does your foot has ,it will reply with 2

if you ask how many eyes does a spider has ,it will reply with 8

so There is still room for improvement and as Sam Altman said in one of his Tweets -

The GPT-3 hype is way too much. it’s impressive but it still has serious weaknesses and sometimes make very silly mistakes. AI will change the world But GPT-3 is a very early glimpse. We still have a lot to figure out. — Sam Altman

